Dear WAEMA Members,
As we are all painfully aware, insurance provider rates have been stagnant for nearly 20 years. On Friday, February 10th (we incorrectly stated February 17th in our original email) the House Health Care Committee held a public hearing on HB 1655 regarding provider compensation that would increase reimbursement by reflecting the Consumer Price Index. Over 500 people signed in to support the bill. Now is a great time to contact your two House of Representatives members and ask for their support!
Find your district here. Put in your home address, not business and contact state representatives.
Legislator rosters here. You can email your House of Representative member from this link too!
Summary of Bill: Compensation provisions in a provider contract between a health care provider not employed or affiliated with a hospital and a health carrier for health care services must include an increase in compensation from the previous year that reflects increases in the CPI for all urban consumers over the previous year. The provisions are applicable to private health plans issued or renewed on or after January 1, 2024.
The Office of the Insurance Commissioner is authorized to adopt rules which must reflect standards used to determine increases in inflation in the qualifying payment amount under the federal No Surprises Act. The bill takes effect 90 days after adjournment of the session in which the bill is passed.
Sample message below:
Dear Representative _______,
I am an Acupuncture and Eastern Medicine Practitioner in your district. Please support HB 1655 regarding provider compensation. The bill was heard in the House Health Care Committee on Friday, February 10th with over 500 people signing in to support!
Provider rates have been stagnant for nearly 20 years and many Acupuncture and Eastern Medicine Practitioners are not able to take insurance anymore due to the cost of running their business exceeds the reimbursement. Our services are an important alternative for pain management without opioids.
(Tell your personal experience with low reimbursement.)
Please talk to Health Care leaders in your caucus to move the bill out of committee by next Friday, 2/17/2023.
Thank you for your consideration!
Leslie Emerick
WAEMA Public Policy Director
*protected email*