This event has passed. See below for archived resources.
- June 24th, Weekly Town Hall Meeting #13: Recording
- Disclaimer: The information presented by guests on the ASA/NCCAOM Town Hall meetings is for educational purposes only, and is not meant to direct specific patient treatments. Any information presented by guests should be evaluated by each practitioner individually, and ASA/NCCAOM cannot and does not endorse any specific treatment regimens (herbal, acupuncture, or other). Practitioners are cautioned to avoid any advertising or other outreach that would lead consumers to believe direct treatment of Covid-19 is offered in any form. Such statements do violate FDA regulations on health claims. All treatments using integrative/Chinese medicine in the care of patients with Covid-19, whether originating from studies in or outside of the U.S., should be considered experimental at this time. For more information, click HERE.
- PowerPoint Slides
- Q & A (coming soon)