The ASA Medicare Survey Working Group was created with the goal of providing you with background information to accompany the ASA Medicare Survey. The survey was designed by Dr. Lisa Conboy, MA, MS, ScD, Director of Research, New England School of Acupuncture. Your survey response will be shared with your state association, and the anonymized results may also be analyzed for future publication in a peer-reviewed journal.
The purpose of taking the Medicare survey is to support your state association in assessing the position of its members on the question of seeking the inclusion of Licensed Acupuncturists as a provider group under Medicare. If you have questions about any of the information presented in this document, please reach out to Mori West, ASA Insurance Committee Chair (), or Amy Mager, ASA Board Liaison to the Medicare Survey Working Group ().
Disclaimer: This document provides general information about Medicare and the acupuncture profession, and the information presented is accurate to the best of our abilities at the time of publication. Some information may change as the situation develops, and it is neither intended to, nor able to provide detailed individual or state-specific information.